You did miss this one thing; There was this pigeon yeah, and I was like 'yeah' and the pigeon was like 'coo' and I was like 'yeah' and he was like 'coo' then I was like 'no' and I won. True story.
Man is once again stumped by the age old question...
..."How do I get my alphas to display correctly?"
Looks damn pretty tho. And the freakin 'Field of View' in unreal is bloody annoying, I mean wtf who sees like that?? I need to remember stuff more, cg_fov 45 or something.. thats probably quake tho.. >_<
I really like this purple and black one. Although I feel like shes missing something. I'll add the lightsaber whips n see how that looks then buckle down on the texture.
added some headthing... zbrush just dissappeared at one point so I had to redo it.. And I went over the legs adding bits n bobs... weapons next! n yea she only has one eye atm.
what do you think about dual quad plasma whips?
Also how would I make those plasma bits lol? I know if it was ingame they would be like 50 round little orange alphas. do I do it that way? alphas are gay tho lol well in max's opinion but I suppose if I just ignore max and put it in a nice engine then the alphas would be fine I guess. Although I'd need them to billboard.....
I was pretty bummed out from all the rigging and lodding from yesterday so I wanted to just do something freely. So I picked up my female sculpt and started doodling without consiquence. I think I'll give her some weapons and hair/headpeice later, it was quite fun.... weird how it looks like it could be a domwar entry... that must mean its generic and bollocks LOL...