Ugh, well that didnt feel rushed..... altho admittedly i spent a large portion of the 4 weeks looking into shaders, which leads me to; I've finished my shader, its good for organic stuff including skin and yet has all the parameters to fill in for metal and glass, specular intensity and ambiant glow. and best of all I can wack in a random alpha hole anywhere i bloody please...
that looks really cool man, well done, not sure about the damage states, i mean it looks fine but its just the extent to witch it has been damaged. like you dont often see holes that size in the side of a van, what would cause that? i know it dosent really matter but context does go some way toward persuading you subconcious that what your seeing is wrong, and that reflect badly on an otherwise awsome model... tho i can only speak from my own point of veiw im pretty sure others would agree, ask around see what other ppl think.
aww lame.... your right but I dont care, i never liked making the van, sticking a stupid acid burn in the side of it was the just about the only fun thing I got out of the van.
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